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Age of Myth

Book One of The Legends of the First Empire.
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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Sullivan, Michael J.
Verfasserangabe: Michael J Sullivan.
Medienkennzeichen: OverDrive
Jahr: 2016.
Mediengruppe: eBook


Zweigstelle: Digitales Medium Standorte: FIC002000 SUL Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


One of fantasy's finest next-generation storytellers continues to break new ground. Michael J. Sullivan's trailblazing career began with the breakout success of his Riyria series: full-bodied, spellbinding fantasy adventures whose imaginative scope and sympathetic characters won a devoted readership and comparisons to fantasy masters Brandon Sanderson, Scott Lynch, and J.R.R. Tolkien himself. Now Age of Myth inaugurates an original five-book series. Since time immemorial, humans have worshipped the gods they call Fhrey, truly a race apart: invincible in battle, masters of magic, and seemingly immortal. But when a god falls to a human blade, the balance of power between humans and those they thought were gods changes forever. Now only a few stand between humankind and annihilation: Raithe, reluctant to embrace his destiny as the God Killer; Suri, a young seer burdened by signs of impending doom; and Persephone, who must overcome personal tragedy to lead her people. The Age of Myth is over. The time of rebellion has begun. Magic, fantasy, and mythology collide in Michael J. Sullivan's Legends of the First Empire series: AGE OF MYTH AGE OF SWORDS AGE OF WAR


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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Sullivan, Michael J.
Verfasserangabe: Michael J Sullivan.
Medienkennzeichen: OverDrive
Jahr: 2016.
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik FIC002000, FIC009020, FIC009030
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ISBN: 9781101965344
Beschreibung: 1 online resource
Schlagwörter: Electronic books., Fantasy., Fiction., Historical Fiction., Thriller.
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Mediengruppe: eBook