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Magic tree house collection, books 17-24

Tonight on the titanic; buffalo before breakfast; tigers at twilight; dingoes at dinnertime; civil war on sunday; revolutionary war on wednesday; twister on tuesday; earthquake in the early morning.
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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Osborne, Mary Pope.
Verfasserangabe: Mary Pope Osborne.
Medienkennzeichen: OverDrive
Jahr: 2006.
Verlag: New York :, Listening Library (Audio),
Mediengruppe: eAudio


Zweigstelle: Digitales Medium Standorte: JUV013070 OSB Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


Books 17–24 of the New York Times bestselling Magic Tree House series! These eight titles are the perfect gift for a Magic Tree House fan or any child who loves a good adventure. Parents, teachers, and librarians hail the chapter-book series as a tool to promote reading, as even the most reluctant readers want to know where the Magic Tree House will take the brother-and-sister team next. In books 17–20, Morgan le Fay, the magical librarian of Camelot, asks Jack and Annie to find the four things that will free an enchanted dog named Teddy from a spell. Their quest leads them to a ship lost at sea, the Great Plains, the forests of India, and the Australian Outback. It's a difficult and dangerous mission, but Jack and Annie will do anything to help their new friend, Teddy! In books 21–24, Morgan le Fay, the magical librarian, reveals that Camelot is in trouble! She asks Jack and Annie to find four different kinds of writing that will help. Their quest leads them to the American Revolution, the American Civil War, the stormy Great Plains, and the great San Francisco earthquake. It's a difficult and dangerous mission, but Jack and Annie will do anything to save Camelot! Audiobooks in this set include: Tonight on the Titanic (#17), Buffalo Before Breakfast (#18), Tigers at Twilight (#19), Dingoes at Dinnertime (#20), Civil War on Sunday (#21), Revolutionary War on Wednesday (#22), Twister on Tuesday (#23), and Earthquake in the Early Morning (#24). "Osborne's narration is low-key and well-paced. A great way to introduce children who are reluctant readers or can't yet read to this highly entertaining book series and to reading in general."— Chicago Parent "Osborne's soothing, beautifully articulated voice and knack for characterization are reliably pleasing."— AudioFile


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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Osborne, Mary Pope.
Verfasserangabe: Mary Pope Osborne.
Medienkennzeichen: OverDrive
Jahr: 2006.
Verlag: New York :, Listening Library (Audio),
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik JUV013070, JUV016000, JUV064000
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 9780739330883
Beschreibung: Unabridged., 1 online resource (5 audio files) :, digital
Schlagwörter: Electronic books., Historical Fiction., Juvenile Fiction.
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Osborne, Mary Pope.
Sprache: Englisch
Fußnote: Unabridged.
Mediengruppe: eAudio