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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013), Volume 3

Guardians Disassembled - Special.
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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Bendis, Brian Michael.
Verfasserangabe: Brian Michael Bendis.
Medienkennzeichen: OverDrive
Jahr: 2014.
Verlag: Cleveland :, Marvel Worldwide, Inc.,
Mediengruppe: eBook
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Zweigstelle: Digitales Medium Standorte: CGN004080 BEN Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


Collects Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #18-23, Annual #1. Remember when Star-Lord, Thanos and Nova were trapped in the horrific Cancerverse? When Star-Lord and Nova were going to sacrifice their lives to take out Thanos once and for all? And remember how Drax was supposed to have died? But Star-Lord, Drax and Thanos seem to be running around just fine nowadays. So what exactly happened to Richard Rider? It¿s finally time to get some answers about the true ending of the Cancerverse saga! Then, when Venom leads the team to an entire world teeming with his fellow alien symbiotes, will the Guardians ever trust Flash Thompson again? His symbiote is becoming more and more uncontrollable, and this may be seriously bad news for the team. Plus: What is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier doing in space?!


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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Bendis, Brian Michael.
Verfasserangabe: Brian Michael Bendis.
Medienkennzeichen: OverDrive
Jahr: 2014.
Verlag: Cleveland :, Marvel Worldwide, Inc.,
E-Medium: Click to access digital title. opens in new tab
Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik CGN004080
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ISBN: 9781302440558
Beschreibung: Collected., 1 online resource
Schlagwörter: Comic and Graphic Books., Electronic books., Fiction.
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Fußnote: Title from eBook information screen..
Mediengruppe: eBook