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Doctor Strange (2016), Volume 3

Blood In The Aether - Special.
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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Aaron, Jason.
Verfasserangabe: Jason Aaron.
Medienkennzeichen: OverDrive
Jahr: 2018.
Verlag: Cleveland :, Marvel Worldwide, Inc.,
Mediengruppe: eBook
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Zweigstelle: Digitales Medium Standorte: CGN004080 AAR Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


Collects Doctor Strange (2015) #11-16. In the aftermath of THE LAST DAYS OF MAGIC, journey back to the first days of Doctor Strange! How did Stephen Strange become the Sorcerer Supreme ¿ and how has he lost it all? In the present, Strange is on the brink of death, his magic nearly depleted. Sensing the Master of the Mystic Arts is at his weakest, his greatest foes will return from the shadows, ready to strike ¿ starting with one of his oldest rivals, Baron Mordo! But as a parade of bad guys line up to take their shot, one of Strange¿s newest enemies may be the deadliest of all. During ORIGINAL SIN, one of the slain Watcher¿s eyes fell into the hands of the Orb ¿ and with that immense power, he has set his sights on Doctor Strange!


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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Aaron, Jason.
Verfasserangabe: Jason Aaron.
Medienkennzeichen: OverDrive
Jahr: 2018.
Verlag: Cleveland :, Marvel Worldwide, Inc.,
E-Medium: Click to access digital title. opens in new tab
Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik CGN004080
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ISBN: 9781302496128
Beschreibung: Collected., 1 online resource
Schlagwörter: Comic and Graphic Books., Electronic books., Fiction.
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Fußnote: Title from eBook information screen..
Mediengruppe: eBook