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The essential Johnny Cash

Piano, vocal, guitar
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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Cash, Johnny
Verfasserangabe: Johnny Cash
Jahr: 1998
Verlag: Milwaukee, Wis., Hal Leonard
Mediengruppe: Noten


Zweigstelle: Zentrale-Erwachsene Standorte: R 501 CAS Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


Enth.: Afterthe ball. All over again. Bad news. Ballad of a teenage queen. Ballad of Ira Hayes. The big battle. Big river. A boy named Sue. Busted. Come in, stranger. Cry, cry, cry. Daddy sang bass. Dark as a dungeon. Don't take your guns to town. Five feet high and rising. Flesh and blood. Folsom prison blues. Frankie's man, Johnny. Give my love to rose. Guess things happen that way. Hey, Porter. I got stripes. I walk the line. I will rock and roll with you. Jackson. The last time. Luther's boogie (Luther played the boogie). The man in black. One piece at a time. Oney. Orange blossom special. The rebel - Johnny Yuma. (Ghost) riders in the sky (a cowboy legend). Ring of fire. Singin' in Vietnam talkin' blues (bring the boys back home). So doggone lonesome. Sunday mornin' comin' down. Tennessee flat top box. Understand your man. What do I care. What is truth? Without love.


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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Cash, Johnny
Verfasserangabe: Johnny Cash
Jahr: 1998
Verlag: Milwaukee, Wis., Hal Leonard
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik R 501
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 0-7935-7583-4
Beschreibung: 144 S. : Ill.
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Fußnote: Best.-Nr. HL 00306147
Mediengruppe: Noten